Friday, October 2, 2020


SOCIAL MEDIA- it has become such a foul taste in my mouth. I've come to the place where I dread even opening my Facebook account for fear of the latest political backlash, COVID-19 conspiracy theory, racial horror, human trafficking atrocity, and the list goes on and on. Social media use to be a place of joy where I could catch up with old friends, and browse through pictures of my family members. I enjoyed sharing updates on our family's life. Lately, I avoid it like the plague. As I've pulled more and more away from it, I've been chewing on the idea of closing my social media accounts altogether. 

God has been stirring up in me the idea of  "smallness". I sense Him calling me to look closer and be more intentional with those in my life, at home, across the street, in my community, the local grocery store, etc. Social media is not small. It is larger than life, and I truly believe there cannot be authentic community on a platform where you can cast your opinions, thoughts, and words out so carelessly and not have to consider the cost of them. When we gather in the culdesac, or around the table, we are forced to consider the heart of the person across from us, where we can witness the brunt of our words on their faces and in their lives.

I cannot do life with my neighbor transparently or vulnerably from behind my screen. I do not have to contemplate the weight of what I type and share with others. I can cast it out for all the word to see and think to myself, I haven't hurt anyone, who cares? I have a RIGHT!

As a Christian, I am called to "love God with all of my heart, all my soul, all my strength, and all my mind. AND love my neighbor as myself." Luke 10:27. How can anyone truly love their neighbor as themself on a social media platform, from a personal agenda? I wonder if Jesus were here, now, in this time, would He be on social media? I have to believe He would not. He would be among people, present, talking with them, touching them, and in community with them. Jesus was all about "smallness". He ministered to the crowds, yes, but He did life and discipled only 12, and had three men that were his closest friends. How can I be like Christ on social media? How can I love Him and love others as Jesus loved us on social media? I cannot answer that question. I cannot justify my need for social media and I refuse to bend to its demands anymore

My children are my legacy. What legacy am I leaving them? That question causes me to pause and evaluate how I do life with them and others. Am I teaching them to look up, look out, to see the person in front of them, and to do life with that person? Or am I teaching them that in order to be seen, heard, and valued, they must be on social media and promote their agendas loud, no matter who it hurts? I want my children to see the effect of their words and actions on the people around them, not through a screen. It starts with me. 

 I challenge you to consider your need for social media. What is your agenda, what is behind it? Does social media define you? Can you truly present the real you on social media? Someone out there, next door, across the street, or at work, needs to meet the true you, the authentic you. The one that cries in pain and rejoices in victories. Go be that person to someone you can see, face to face. Do life with them. Watch the world change. 

If you know me well enough, we have done life together in some manner. You know how to connect with me outside of social media. I look forward to it.