Wednesday, January 25, 2017


      My hubby is the soldier, he’s the one out there even now working with others to defend, protect and strengthen. I don’t give myself enough credit. I am a soldier too, on the front lines in fact, fighting an enemy that strives to steal, kill and destroy everything good thing in my life and those of my loved ones.
        As a busy mama, a single one right now, I often get lost in the nitty gritty of dealing with all that gets thrown at me from a hundred different directions. I tune out the reality of the spiritual world I live in and instead point my finger and blame a myriad of things- germs, the weather, my hubby’s absence, my neighbors, my emotions, the list goes on. Meanwhile the craziness continues and I become overly exhausted, frustrated, angry, bitter and disheartened. This lofty goal I made to THRIVE and not just survive this coming year has so far yet to make an appearance!
      I forgot a vital piece of truth, a life sustaining, enemy shattering, victory making, joy-releasing truth. Thriving will come at a cost. If I want to see its fruit in my life and the lives of my family members, and even my community, I have a significant role to play. Thriving can only truly come through the powerful act of prayer and fighting for it. Like my picture of a bloodied warrior and her sword, I have to have a soldier mentality in my home, in my heart, in my marriage, in my neighborhood! Everywhere I walk, I will take ownership of that spiritual atmosphere and declare WAR with the enemy of my soul!

     So this is just a marker for me. I am drawing the line. This far and no more, Enemy. You will have no more power over me and my family, my hubby, my home or my neighborhood! You’ve messed with the wrong prayer warrior, with the wrong worshiper. I know you’re already defeated, HA! From here on I am taking responsibility for the atmosphere of my heart and everywhere I go in the name of your defeater JESUS CHRIST. THIS IS WAR. 


  1. I always thoroughly enjoy reading your heart poured out. It brings such encouragement in light of our present circumstances. Thank you, Jami!
    I love you

  2. Oh sister so thankful for your words and openness to share it with the world. Thank you for your transparency. One of the any things I love about you. Your words in this blog spoke so much truth and light to me in a dark season in my life right now. Encouranges me so much. That I too have the power to stand strong in Christ and be the warrior bride,mom,friend,daughter,aunt, cousin he calls me to be. And fight this battle on my knees with my King going before me.Thank you thank you thank you.

    1. Sweet sister, if I was able to encourage only you, then writing this blog was worth it! Just last night I was so discouraged and disheartened, crying in my bed, bemoaning Jose's repeated absence, having just failed majorly with devos with my babies. I'm striving to teach my babies to have a relationship with Jesus, with their Abba. Guess how that is modeled best? My relationship with them! Boy I messed up last night. But I clung to the truth that a thankful heart and a defeated heart cannot coexist. I also clung to the truth that weeping lasts for the night but His joy comes in the morning. I pray the Holy Spirit would encourage you dear one and fill you up as you continue to fight the hard fight, run the long race and endure your suffering for Jesus! I love you sister!!!
